Your life story is a gift. We are all fascinated by the experiences of our parents and grandparents - the details of their day-to-day lives, their challenges and heartaches, their humor and triumphs. If we are lucky, these precious family stories may be passed down one generation, but many of the details and memories fade with time. Too often, subsequent generations are left with only a name or a photo and little understanding about the person behind it.
Interview Sessions
I will meet with you for 8-10 hours of recorded interview time (in 4-5 sessions) scheduled at your convenience. I prefer to conduct these sessions in person, but some can be done via phone if that works better for you. I will ask you about the major “chapters” of your life and talk with you about the big and little experiences that make up your story. I will ask questions and seek details, but I will always let you set the tone and the boundaries for what you’d like to include.
Story Draft
At the end of our sessions, I will provide you with a thoughtfully written draft of your story. If you have any corrections or additions, we will talk about those in one more session before finalizing the manuscript. You will then receive four copies of an 80-100 page hardcover book (more copies available at cost) to share with your loved ones and future generations.